Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Installing memcached 1.4.4 on windows

Recently, I was working on memcached with windows machine. Memcached is built for linux platform. It's latest stable version is 1.4.15. But we haven't found the compatible windows binary file for the latest version. I have found binary for memcache 1.4.5, but it was providing errors while installing with the command:
memcache.exe -d install

It hung up on the window. I googled and found that '-d' option is no longer supported. They are suggesting to use memcache 1.4.4. Then I download memcache 1.4.4 from here.

    Now, follow the below steps:
  • 1.Extract the downloaded files and unzip it.
  • 2.Open CMD and go to the downloaded folder.
  • 3.Run memcache.exe -d install.
  • 4.Now go to Start->Administrative Tools->Services.
  • 5.Double click on the memcache list.
  • 6.Press the Start button.
  • 7.Now we need to download the .dll file for vc9 from here.
  • 8.We will put the .dll file under php/ext folder under xampp.
  • 9.Also we will write extension=php_memcache.dll on the php.ini file under php folder.
  • 10.Now we will restart Apache.

See the book OpenCart 1.4 Template Design Cookbook.
See the book Joomla Mobile Development Beginners Guide

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Wordpress Plugins:
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Opencart Extensions:

  1. Product Based Quantity Wise Shipping: Find it here.
  2. OpenSSLCOMMERZ: integrate SSLCOMMERZ with opencart: Find it here.
  3. Fine Search v.1.0 - Improves Opencart search feature to find relevant: Find it here.
  4. Opensweetcaptcha - An easy way to generate attractive captcha for your system!: Find it here.
  5. Custom Field Product - add unlimited custom fields to the product form: Find it here.
  6. Formcaptcha - add captcha on the register page: Find it here.

My Books:

  1. OpenCart 1.4 Template Design Cookbook.
  2. Joomla Mobile Development Beginners Guide


Pierre said...

Quick note, all pecl extensions should be available here now:

including memcache, snapshots or releases.

Unknown said...
