Friday, December 28, 2012

Integrate Xcode with Corona SDK

    Follow these steps to integrate XCode 3.x with Corona SDK. NOTE: Not suitable for XCode4.0
  • 1. Launch XCode, Create a new project, “File” > “New Project”
  • 2. Template for project should be “Other” > “External Build System” and give the project a name and save it.
  • 3. Under “Targets” in the left hand “Groups & Files” window in the main xcode editing window, then double click “Your Projects Name”
  • 4. Remove all the “Build Settings”, dont know what they did but removing them didnt hurt
  • 5. In “Build Tool” enter the path to either the “simulator” link or the “Corona Terminal” app just so you know, if you put the Corona folder in your Applications folder the the paths are as follows “/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Terminal” .
  • 6. Under “Arguments” enter “$(PROJECT_DIR)”, this passes the location of the folder, what Corona looks for, to the simulator so it launches and builds the app without asking for the location of the project folder
  • 7. Right click on the top of the main xcode window, the toolbar, and select “Customize Toolbar” and add the “Build” icon to the bar and click “Done”
  • 8. Clicking the “Build” icon will now launch your application in Corona
  • 9. If the corona simulator is already on and you save changes to the main.lua file, the simulator will prompt you to reload the lua file.
  • 10. The project directory must contain a file that goes by the name of ‘main.lua’, this file can link itself to other modules.
  • 11. Place Lua.pbfilespec and Lua.xclangspec in: ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Specifications/ and/or /Developer/Library/Xcode/Specifications/
  • 12. reboot Xcode.
NOTE: If the directories don’t exist create them.

See the book OpenCart 1.4 Template Design Cookbook.
See the book Joomla Mobile Development Beginners Guide

List of my works:

Technical Support:

If you still face the technical problem, please get support of our highly skilled technical team:

Wordpress Plugins:
  1. Real-Time Health Data from Every Where:WP plugin to display real-time health data & increase sale by promoting user specific products according to health information:
  2. Woocommerce Stock Notification Builder:Sends desktop, mobile & email notifications with full customization.Build your own product notification system with it:

Opencart Extensions:

  1. Product Based Quantity Wise Shipping: Find it here.
  2. OpenSSLCOMMERZ: integrate SSLCOMMERZ with opencart: Find it here.
  3. Fine Search v.1.0 - Improves Opencart search feature to find relevant: Find it here.
  4. Opensweetcaptcha - An easy way to generate attractive captcha for your system!: Find it here.
  5. Custom Field Product - add unlimited custom fields to the product form: Find it here.
  6. Formcaptcha - add captcha on the register page: Find it here.

My Books:

  1. OpenCart 1.4 Template Design Cookbook.
  2. Joomla Mobile Development Beginners Guide

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