Wednesday, July 29, 2009

extracting substring

lets see a zend mock question regarding extracting substring.


Given the string:
$var = "";
Which of the following will extract the TLD (top level domain) of ".net" from the string?


1. strstr($var, strpos($var, "."));
the second parameter of strstr is the needle.

2. substr($var, strpos($var, "@"));
3. substr($var, strstr($var, "."));
the second parameter of substr is the offset.
4. substr($var, strpos($var, ".") + 1);
it will extract net.
5. substr($var, strpos($var, "."));
it will extract .net
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Anonymous said...

5. substr($var, strpos($var, "."));
".net" not "net"

sAm said...

It should be
substr($var, strpos($var, "."));

Please correct.